Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Need new haircut. Soooo tired of my hair....... my hair is actually wavy, but in the winter i have to dry it and flatiron it straight so it won't freeze in the canadian winter - happy thoughts. Step 1; I need a new hairdresser. I keep having crazy 'i want bangs again' moments and then going to NO - i must have Erin Wasson's hair epiphanies.... ooooh has anyone tried moroccan oil yet? it's awwwwwwwwesome. x


  1. wow! amazing pic!!


  2. morroccan oil?1 sounds exotic. what does it do? get rid of flyaways? I need that XO

    p.s. get bangs

  3. I've been having the same internal bangs convo-so torn. this pic is gorge. xo

  4. i havent tried the oil but I do keep thinking about having bangs again!
    But then when i do cut them I always wantthem long
    aarrgghh its a viscious cycle :)+

  5. such pretty hair! great blog

  6. pic is just really cool
    she has a great hairstyle

  7. ♥♥♥♥♥ Lovely ♥♥♥♥♥

  8. hehe i feel as though you've been obsessed with hair as of late! I totally feel ya about the "i want bangs" moment. I had that a few months ago, cut the bangs and now i'm annoyed. lol

    ugh i need a haircut too but need to find a hairdresser as well... ahhh the dilemmas we have as women!

  9. Get bangs, I love it!


  10. love your blog. i hate my wavy hair. thx for the post!

  11. Anonymous15/1/10

    i love moroccan oil! what pretty hair, i've been inspired by messy wavy braids.

  12. hair dos. we love what we dont have always!

    embrace it all lovely!

  13. I am with you on the haircut! I am trying to actually grow out my natural color (pain) and growing out the length again (paint two) LOL so a mini trim is in major order.. Good luck finding a hairdresser :)

  14. ok, i'm tired of my hair too.
    they're always stright, damnit.

  15. I want to shave the sides of my head but I would draw too much attention when I go to my 9 yr olds school.....that means I have officaly become old? or socialy awaire? I care more about his social statuse than mine.

    I used to chainge my hair all the time. now I am strangly content with small furrys of wanting to do something totaly off the hook.

    I would love to hear about what you deside on. :) have a rad week dude!

  16. Great photo. Are you seriously going with bangs? Bangs scare me . . . they are cute but if you get tired of them, you have a long long wait.


kisses for me? NO YOU! xoxoxoxox