Do you remember the day we met? I do - you were wearing your red vest and brown cords, i instantly knew we would become friends. I remember the visits to your house in Westmount and how excited i would be to see your face. I missed you so much in my last year at University, when the meaning of a true friend really made itself clear to me. Our crummy little pad in Montreal? The mice running around and our crazy neighbor. The screaming match night... and the many tears that followed. The goodbyes, the hello's, the so long's and the miss you's. The memories that we've created. The fact that i'll always be here for you and you'll always be there for me. No matter how much distance is between us, i think of you often and keep you close. Thank you for everything and for always being so magical. xo
Snapshot into my month of June; my very dear D&D have booked out this AWESOME boutique hotel in Playa del Carmen, Mexico for the beginning of June, so that we may all gather from around the globe and celebrate their nuptials. Here's a peek into the hotel. MISOECXCITED!!!! Now - what to wear to a wedding in a surf town infested hyper cool hotel wedding bonanza.... any suggestions? Also, any suggestions on how to get a bikini ready body in five weeks???? YIKES.